Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh man its been a while. Having a 2nd child really put things on hold. HAHA but now is a good time to be back to Blogging. I would also like the share so MUCH love about the giveaway that jessica white photography is doing. The vendors that are apart of the giveaway are AMAZING and I hope all my good friends check them out!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

I think she may stay in me FOREVER!

I was really hoping little miss Hailey would come early but... I am now 39 1/2 weeks and still going. I have been contracting like crazy but cant seem to get past 2cm. It is very discouraging. I just needed to vent a bit!!! HA HA

Monday, October 11, 2010

5 weeks till due date!

So I am 5 weeks from having our sweet lil baby Hailey. I feel so overwhelmed cause I have tons to do. I'm also scared to death this time. I was not scared for delivery at all with Jaiden and this time anxiety is taking over! is that normal?? haha
Anyways were very excited to meet her, Im just shocked it went SO fast.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hailey's room!!

So I have been very busy trying to think of cool ideas for little miss Hailey's room. I think things are coming along very smoothly. Right now I am working on hanging balls. It takes A LOT of time but I think they are adorable. I will post pictures i will post pictures very soon.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Getting a steal!!

I dont know why, but I am TOTALLY into getting a steal of a deal, or winning something or getting things free. I am loving searching other blogs and learning how to do fun things like that. Who knew this blogging world was sooo AMAZING!
If anyone knows and cool sites or fun deals to check out let me know!!
Im a bloggaholic now! HEHE

Learning the life of a blogger

Ok so I thought it was due time to enter the life of a blogger. It is so fun yet very challenging for me to figure this whole process out. But please bare with me while I make it one of a kind!!